Sunday 24 July 2011

Mother's Ruin - Bordeauxxx (EP Review)

Bordeauxxx - Mother's Ruin

Bordeauxxx. Cutesy glockenspiel infused twee guitar music. BLOODY STUDENTS. This is the kind of band to make some nauseous and some weak at the knees, but if you're into uplifting, summery and catchy songs then you should definitely give them a listen.

The E.P.:
I've known about Bordeauxxx for a little bit of time now, but I've only just rediscovered them this week. Actually released in August last year, 'Mother's Ruin' is a definite summer record. On the opening track, jaunty guitars are backed up by glockenspiel, drums, and what in some points sounds like a recorder. Yeah, that instrument you definitely played at some point between the ages of 7 and 10. The vocals are predictably childish and bratty then, but with a driving emotional quality that is curiously akin to Bloc Party. 'Bursts of Static' is punctuated by right-on group shouting, further promoting the band's hyperactive attitude - 'our lives are short and fast' sums up the hedonistic naivity that Bordeauxxx seem to rely on.

They do at times lack a bit of substance and originality, drawing heavily from Los Campesinos!' first album, 'Hold On Now, Youngster', and it becomes quite difficult to imagine this student band as the Skins-esque bunch of rogues and Misfits they make themselves out to be, but then that can be explained away by the irony and nostalgia that comes bundled with anything claiming itself to be 'twee', ever. Bordeauxxx seem like genuinely nice people, and it sounds like they're relishing taking up the helm at the top of a rising twee-pop scene, instigated - and quickly abandoned - by Los Campesinos!. Along with Allo Darlin', and Stagecoach, Bordeauxxx could be the band to make this incredibly catchy and heartwarming strand of twee pop mainstream again.

Sounds like:
Cajun Dance Party, Los Campesinos! (circa 2007), Stagecoach, The Holloways

The above video is Bordeauxxx's newest single, 'Every Holiday Is A Disaster'. In August they'll be playing at Knee Deep festival and LeeFest. 

You can get hold of all of the band's music on their bandcamp profile, which lets you download it for whatever price you like!

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